Marine & Power Products,
N. American distributor of
Nissan Marine
outboards, announced today a new extended
five year warranty program offering
customers one of the best standard
warranties in the industry on their entire
line of 4-stroke and TLDI outboards.
To emphasize the high quality
and durability of their motors, Nissan
Marine will
extend the current three year limited
warranty to a five year warranty on Nissan
outboards. The new five year limited
warranty will be effective for
non-commercial use outboards sold from
January 1, 2013
for 2011
production models or higher (serial numbers
ending in AA, AB, AC)
“We have a great brand with
Nissan Marine,” said Kurt Gardner, National Sales
Manager. "Nissan customers are the most
loyal in the industry, and we set a goal
with that loyalty in mind. It was to offer
many different options for our clients, all
built to last, and back it with a warranty
that demonstrates our commitment to
providing not only a great value, but a
dependable motor with unmatched